
Dear Prospective Sponsor,

By supporting the AVID Strides for Education Eugene 4J 6K, you’ll be helping students on their journey to a successful college education and career, especially those who will be first generation college students.  Proceeds will help fund two important elements of the AVID student experience:

AVID College Tutors: Twice each week, AVID classes engage with college students who facilitate small collaborative study groups, focusing on higher level questions that AVID students generate from their academic classes.  Dollars you provide are matched by federally funded UO work study dollars, so you get a double bang for your contribution.

AVID College Visits: Every year, beginning in 7th grade, AVID classes visit college campuses in Eugene and across the state of Oregon, to heighten their level of aspiration for higher education while helping them to discern what kind of college would suit them. Most AVID students are first generation college students and these experiences help build a college going culture that is one key to success.

$500 Title Sponsor = Large Font, Top Billing on the Race Tee Shirt and Bibs, and Special Thank You in schools’ eNews, reaching thousands of families
(This amount would pay for an entire AVID class to attend a trip to Portland for a full day, visiting two Portland metro area colleges.  Or it would pay for a college tutor to support an AVID class all year.)

$250 Sustaining Sponsor = Large Font Billing on Race Tee Shirt and
Thank You in schools’ eNews, reaching thousands of families.
(This amount would pay for a college tutor to support and AVID class for nearly two academic terms.)

$100 Supporting Sponsor = Company Name/Logo on Race Tee Shirt, and
Thank You in schools’ eNews, reaching thousands of families.
(This amount would pay for an AVID class to visit a local college such as UO, LCC, or NWCU)

Additional Ways to Sponsor:
Donations of food and beverages are needed to support runners/walkers during and following the race, and gift cards will be awarded in a prize drawing as well.

Name of Business or Individual Sponsor: _______________________________
Contact Information (phone and/or e-mail):  _____________________________
Type/Description of Sponsorship: _____________________________________
Donation enclosed?  Yes/No;
  -If no, date to pick up donation: ___________________

Contact Randy Bernstein, AVID District Director, for more info: 541-514-1572, Bernstein@4j.lane.edu